Privacy Policy

Services Privacy Policy


1. General

Comma8, LLC, SprintFWD LLC  (“Comma8, LLC, SprintFWD LLC”, “we”, “our”, or “us”), is committed to safeguarding your privacy. We use this privacy policy to clearly disclose to you our privacy practices in a manner that is easy to understand. This privacy policy (“Privacy Policy”) describes, among other things, the types of information collected through use of our services (“Services”), including how such information may be used and/or disclosed, and our practices for data choice.  Through the Services, Comma8, LLC, SprintFWD LLC utilizes its proprietary infrastructure to provide its clients a myriad of inventory sources. Such infrastructure affords Comma8, LLC, SprintFWD LLC the opportunity, on behalf of its clients, to display and serve ads to consumers who access a particular website, mobile application, or online content.


We may change this Privacy Policy from time to time and will post the revised version on this page, with a notice of such change in the modified Privacy Policy. It is important that you review this Privacy Policy regularly to ensure you are updated as to any changes.'


2. What Type of Information Do We Collect From You?

In providing the Services, we may collect Services Data. Services Data may include:


1. Information related to your computer, including your browser type (e.g., Internet Explorer), operating system (e.g., Windows), and computer monitor resolution;

2. Your Internet Protocol (IP) address when accessing a website or mobile application;

3. Your internet provider;

4. Sites and/or applications you visited, including information regarding your use of our client’s websites or mobile applications, and any websites or mobile applications in which our client’s advertisements are displayed;

5. Web pages and advertisements you view

6. Clickstream data;

7. Unique identifiers, including but not limited to mobile device identification numbers, that can identify the physical location of such devices and operating system device identifiers (e.g., IDFA, Android ID);

8. Information collected through cookies, web beacons, and other technologies;

9. Information about your interactions with video content, such as the type of content viewed; and

10. information or inferences about a user’s interests.

Services Data does not include information that by itself, individually identifies an individual, such as your e-mail address, phone number, or name.


3. How Do We Collect Information?

When Comma8, LLC, SprintFWD LLC, or Comma8, LLC, SprintFWD LLC on behalf of a client, purchases online advertisements on a website/application, and an individual interacts with such advertisement or visits the website/application, Services Data is collected on such website or application through the use of cookies, web beacons, pixels, tags, and other similar technologies. Once collected, the Services Data may be used by Comma8, LLC, SprintFWD LLC to target advertisements, measure the effectiveness of advertisements, and to deliver interest-based advertisements on behalf of Comma8, LLC, SprintFWD LLC’s clients.


4. How Do We Use Cookies, Web Beacons, Pixels, Tags, and Other Technologies?

Cookies. A cookie is a small text file created by a website and stored in a user’s web browser. Comma8, LLC, SprintFWD LLC uses cookies to store data for: advertising and/or interest-based advertising purposes; delivery and reporting of advertisements; tracking users’ responses to an ad (e.g., click rate and conversions); reviewing the frequency and time of the display of an advertisement; storage of user preferences; and the collection, aggregation and analysis of anonymous tracking data to help measure and track traffic and general user behavior. Further, to better serve relevant ads to you, we may also assign an identifier (“ID”) to your device, computer, or browser when serving an ad. The ID may be implemented on your computer/device through a cookie. Such method does not enable Comma8, LLC, SprintFWD LLC to personally identify you. The ID can be used to attempt to match an assigned user by inference, based on the user’s activities tracked across multiple devices or browsers.


Tags, Beacons, and Pixels. Tags are computer codes incorporated into a HTML/JavaScript code of a web page and delivered to a web browser or application when the web page loads. A beacon, web beacon, or a pixel is a transparent web image that can be placed on a web page. Overall, Comma8, LLC, SprintFWD LLC utilizes tags, beacons, and/or pixels to set cookies, collect data, extend audiences between multiple marketing partners, and to serve more relevant ads.


Our third party service providers, advertisers and affiliates may also use cookies, web beacons and other similar technologies to manage or measure the performance of the information displayed or delivered over a website/application. For more information regarding this use, please see our “How Do We Work With Third Parties?” section below.


5. How Do We Use The Services Data?

The Services Data collected may be used by Comma8, LLC, SprintFWD LLC’s clients or by Comma8, LLC, SprintFWD LLC on behalf of its clients to: evaluate and modify existing services and features; compile demographic and geographic information regarding user; identify a target audience to serve an advertisement and obtain the best advertisement response rate; provide interest-based advertising; aggregate statistics related to the Services Data; develop new services and features that may be of interest to you; prepare advertising segments that may be used to target based on demographics, geography and/or relation to the content on the viewing page; control the amount of times a user may see an advertisement; sequentially organize ads for purposes of viewing; and analyze the response of users to the advertisements. Further, Services Data collected from a browser, website, computer, device, or other application may be used on another browser, website, computer, device, or other application linked to the browser, computer, website, or device on which such data was initially collected, or transferred to a third party for such purposes. To manage your preferences related to the collection of Services Data pursuant to such tracking, please see Section 8, “What Are Your Choices”.


6. How Do We Disclose Your Information?

We may share Services Data with our affiliates, service providers, clients, related companies, and advertisers. We may also disclose your Services Data in response to a court order or subpoena, in response to a law enforcement agency request; when we have reason to believe that disclosing this information is necessary to identify, contact, or bring legal action against someone who may be causing injury to or interference with (either intentionally or unintentionally) our rights or to anyone that could be harmed by such activities; in situations involving threats to the physical safety of any person; where it is necessary to investigate, prevent or take action regarding illegal activity or suspected fraud; or as otherwise required by law. We may transfer Services Data to another company, if we are acquired by, sold to or merged with such company.


Our agents and contractors who have access to your Services Data are required to protect the information in a manner consistent with our Privacy Policy and may not use the information for any other purposes other than to carry out the activity they are performing on our behalf.


We continue to expand our online presence in order to offer users rich and deep interactive experiences. We may share information we collect about you so that we can provide you with information about products and services that might interest you.


We may share aggregated or anonymized Services Data, with third parties. Much of the information we collect is in the form of aggregated statistics, such as the traffic generated by visits on websites/applications and the habits and preferences of our audience. Such aggregated data does not include any information that would identify you personally. We may use such aggregated data and disclose it to third parties as we see fit.


7. How Do We Work with Third Parties?

We may work with one or more advertisers, advertising agencies, advertising networks, service providers, and/or audience segment providers to help deliver advertisements or other content. These third parties may utilize cookies, web beacons, or similar technologies on your computer, mobile, or other device to serve you advertisements or content tailored to your perceived or stated interests and/or preferences based on information you provided, and/or your browsing behavior, on their websites and/or other sites and applications you have visited. These third parties may also use such technologies to help determine whether you previously have seen particular advertisements or content and to avoid sending you duplicates, and/or collect information from a browser, website, computer, device, or other application to link such information to another browser, website, computer, device, on which such data was initially collected. In doing so, these third parties collect information such as your browser type, your operating system, web pages visited, time of visits, content viewed, ads viewed, and other click stream data. In all of the above instances, this Privacy Policy will not apply to any information collected by these third parties. This collection of information is not under our control and such third party information practices may be different than ours.

Further, these third parties may offer you a way to choose not to have your information used for interest-based advertising purposes. To manage your preference for interest-based advertising provided by third parties, please see Section 8, “What Are Your Choices?” for more information.


8. What Are Your Choices?

Opt Out

Comma8, LLC, SprintFWD LLC adheres to the DAA Self-Regulatory Principles for Online Behavioral Advertising. Through the use of technologies such as cookies, Comma8, LLC, SprintFWD LLC may collect information such as your browser type, your operating system, web pages visited, time of visits, content viewed, ads viewed, and other click stream data. Comma8, LLC, SprintFWD LLC may use such collected information to serve you ads that are tailored and relevant to you. Such practice is known as behavioral advertising or interest-based advertising. You may learn more about interest-based advertising at


If you desire to not receive interest-based advertisements displayed by Comma8, LLC, SprintFWD LLC on your browser, you may opt out by doing any of the following:


Cookies. You may set your browser to block all or certain cookies or require your consent before accepting a cookie. Blocking our cookies will affect your online experience and may prevent you from experiencing certain features of our Properties.


Mobile Device. On your mobile device, you may use the: Limit Ad Tracking setting on your IOS device; or “Opt out of Interest-Based Ads” setting on your Android device.


Further, we may work with one or more advertisers, advertising agencies, advertising networks, service providers, and/or audience segment providers to help deliver advertisements or other content. These third parties may utilize cookies, web beacons, or similar technologies on your computer, mobile, or other device to serve you advertisements or content tailored to your perceived or stated interests and/or preferences based on information you provided, and/or your browsing behavior, on their websites and/or other sites and applications you have visited. These third parties may also use such technologies to help determine whether you previously have seen particular advertisements or content and to avoid sending you duplicates. In doing so, these third parties collect information such as your browser type, your operating system, web pages visited, time of visits, content viewed, ads viewed, and other click stream data. In all of the above instances, our privacy policy will not apply to any information collected by these third parties. This collection of information is not under our control and such third party information practices may be different than ours. The aforementioned third parties may offer you a way to choose not to have your information used for interest-based advertising purposes.


To manage your preferences:

  1. for third parties providing interest-based advertising, please visit the Network Advertising Initiative Consumer Opt-Out Page at and the Digital Advertising Alliance Consumer Choice Page at;

  2. to limit the collection of cross-app data for interest-based ads from participating companies, for more information, please visit the Digital Advertising Alliance Page at:; and

  3. to limit the collection of location data, go to “settings” on your mobile device.

We respect your privacy and your ability to choose what communications you receive from us. Please note that if you choose to opt out of interest-based advertising, you may still see advertisements. However, such advertisements will not be based on your online behavior.


Tips Re: Opt Out

  • If your browser blocks third-party cookies, opting out may not be effective.

  • You must opt out on each browser/device for opt out to be effective for a specific browser/device.

  • When you opt out, a cookie is placed on your browser or device. Each time you delete cookies, you will have to opt out again.


Do Not Track

We support the Do Not Track browser setting. When you have Do Not Track enabled in your browser, we will not collect browser-related information about you. For more information regarding Do Not Track, including how to turn on Do Not Track, visit We encourage users who are interested in limiting the information we collect, to search online for tools and services (e.g., NAI’s consumer opt-out gateway or the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on) to prevent or opt out of collection.


9. How Do We Secure and How Long Do We Retain the Services Data?

We take reasonable security precautions to secure your information against loss, misuse, alteration or unauthorized access of such information. Unfortunately, no transmission of data over the Internet is guaranteed to be completely secure. It may be possible for third parties not under our control to intercept or access transmissions unlawfully. While we strive to protect your information, we cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information.


The Services Data collected is retained by us for up to 5 years from the date of collection and deleted within such time period if it is no longer needed for our business purposes.


10. Our Commitment to Children’s Privacy

We do not knowingly collect or store information about children under the age of 13. In those instances in which we have actual knowledge that: we are collecting geo-location information from children or any personal information; or are applying a persistent identifier that can be used to recognize a child under the age of 13; and the foregoing is accomplished on a website or application used to offer a service directed toward children, we will comply with applicable laws.


11. Updates

This Privacy Policy is effective as of December 21, 2017. Because Internet technologies are rapidly changing, we reserve the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy at any time, in our sole discretion. All changes will be promptly posted on this page, with an updated “effective date.” Your continued viewing, browsing, use or access of the Services or the advertisements provided through the Services, following our posting of an updated Privacy Policy, will constitute your binding acceptance of those changes.


12. Contact Information

If you have any questions or comments about our Privacy Policy please send an e-mail to